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Laughter Therapy

An upcoming feature film

Boy and Girl meet. They fall in love. 
But do they really? They do all the right things in all the wrong ways.
They breakup. They see each other again. They laugh.

Things never end they just morph into other things. 


Pitch Deck Link

Director's Statement

Laughter Therapy was born from a desire to understand how we interact with other people’s consciousness and the weird, contradictory ways people do it.


It is meant to be flawed, with characters contradicting themselves and not knowing what they truly want (rather just what they think they want). It is not meant to just to show that this is how we are, but to show that, even though we can be messy and painful and confusing, how beautiful it is that we are this way. How beautiful it is that we continue to connect and to love and to try in spite of this.


I want Laughter Therapy to be something people connect to; to create a completely new feeling. To feel their relationship with how people perceive them, and seeming a certain rather than being a certain way. To feel what it means that reality and truth are things we perceive, things we imagine, things we create, not concrete things placed upon us. Love is not something that simply happens to us- it’s something we create in ourselves, between each other. Language is what we use to not communicate.


Good movies aren't about what happens--they're about how it happens. This film tells a captivating, moving story, but it's about searching for truths about how we imagine our lives and express our consciousnesses to the people around us.


– Adi Jahic

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